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To encourage young people led residential events, such as patrol camps or Explorer Scout expeditions, an Explorer Leader (who holds a nights away permit) can grant a nights away / events passport to an under 18 year old. The 'nights away / event passport' allows a young person to
Useful things to remember when applying for a 'nights away /events passport' 1. Explorer Leaders are volunteers - it can take up to 3 days to process the passport form. 2. A 'nights away/events passport' is awarded to 'one Explorer' that leads the rest of the Explorers on the trip i.e. the person applying for the passport becomes the leader of the trip. 3. Before granting a passport leaders will need to check that they are happy that the Explorer has the skills to lead the event safely and successfully. 4. There will be 'spot checks' by leaders happening on events where passports have been awarded. 5. Don't forget for overnight activities e.g. overnight hikes, Explorers need to apply for a passport.
Home Contact Details
Where will the event/residential experience/camping trip be?
About the people you are going with
Your plans