Here you can keep up to date with the District's previous events with our articles and photos, you can even send in articles if you would like them featured!
Remembrance Day Parade
11th November 2018
Sittingbourne Milton and District Scouts joined the towns parade and service of remembrance on Sunday 11 November 2018 ...
Scouts Sleep Out for Charity
12th October 2018
100 Scouts, Explorer Scouts and Leaders from Sittingbounre Milton and District took part in the 'Kent Scouts Big Cardboard Sleep Out' on Friday 12 October 2018 to raise money for Porchlight, a charity that helps rough sleepers and homeless people in Kent. ...
District Scout Water Activities Day
22nd September 2018
49 Scouts and Explorers Scouts spent the day at Conningbrook Lake, Ashford, Canoeing, Kayaking and Bell boating . ...
District St Georges Day Event
22nd April 2018
The whole District came together for St Georges Day fun at Bexon Lane camp site on Sunday 22 April ...
District Carol Service
6th December 2017
Beavers Cubs Scouts and Leaders all wore their favourite Christmas jumpers to attend the District Carol service. A lovely evening to round of the scouting year :) ...
Remembrance Day Parade
12th November 2017
District Beavers Cubs Scouts and Leaders Proudly taking part in the Sittingbourne Service of Remembrance ...
District Ton of Fun Camp
22nd September 2017
22 to 24 September 2017 134 Scouts from the District had a Ton of Fun together at Bexon lane . Nerf guns, circus skills, T shirt design, kite flying, rocket making, Fizz and quiz, camp fire and much more. :) ...
A Day on the Water
15th July 2017
25 Scouts from 3 of the District Troops spent a day whizzing about in boats in the Swale. ...
District Bronze Silver and Gold Chief Scout Awards
9th July 2017
We celebrated the achievements of Young people, from across all three sections, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts at a District Awards ceremony on Sunday 9 July 2017. Those who had gained thier Chief Scout Award in the past year were presented with certificates by the District...
District To District JOTT Hike
14th May 2017
Saturday 14 May 2017 A total of 80 Scouts, Explorer Scouts and Leaders hiked 10miles from Faversham District Camp site, Shepherds Park, Sheldwich to Sittingbourne and Milton District Campsite, Bexon Lane, Bredgar . JOTT (Jamboree on the Trail) ...
Fab Founder's Day '17!
18th February 2017
Fab Founder's Day '17! What a brilliant afternoon we all had, we went on a marvellous hike that had fun-filled checkpoints (which included knot tying with strawberry laces and even a special quiz) and came back to Bexon for some delicious smores, despite the marshmallows being smaller than...
Cubs 100 Birthday Party!
8th January 2017
Cubs 100 Birthday Party! Our Cub Scouts had fantastic Birthday at Borden Grammar School in Sittingbourne. They had a fun filled night including: party games like pass the parcel, a humongous conga line and even a special Birthday cake - yummy! They even had a promise renewal segment to...
Beaver Bounce!
8th January 2017
Beaver Bounce! As a celebration for 30 years of Beaver Scouts, our Beavers went to Soar Trampoline Park in Gillingham and had an awesome time! They bounced brilliantly and really celebrated in style as we even had a big 30 in blue balloons. As soon as the Soar! socks were on they couldn't stop...
Christmas Carol Concert
7th December 2016
Christmas Carol Concert On the seventh of December our District had our annual Christmas carol concert at Sittingbourne Baptist Church. Our Youth Commissioners (Jack and Ella) compared the evening which included readings from groups within the District (Including our Network and Iwade Scouts), a...
Group Scout Leaders' marvelous meeting
6th December 2016
Group Scout Leaders' marvelous meeting news article: Our fabulous Group Scout Leaders are meeting tonight (5th July) at our District Campsite - sooooooo much happening it's amazing ! Lots of planning has gone ahead to make sure we're going to have an exciting year ...
4th Milton Regis at Brownsea Island
6th December 2016
4th Milton Regis at Brownsea Island news article: Scouts from our 4th Milton Group are camping on Brownsea Island tonight (23rd August) - yippee! This is where the 1st ever Scouting camp took place - what a memorable and sunny place to stay! ...
Campfire to celebrate Cubs being 100 years old
4th July 2016
To celebrate 100 years of Cub Scouting yesterday we held a great district Cub campfire at Bexon Lane campsite on 8th June 2016 - we expect you could hear us! Thanks to everyone for coming to this and to Bod for leading the magnificent campfire. ...
Fun, friends, adventure & camping!
4th July 2016
Over the weekend of 24th - 26th June the district took over Bexon Lane campsite for the District Camp 2016. Plenty of activities were held over the weekend including: giant inflatables, archery, woggle-making, rope-bridges, low-ropes, disco, campfire, assault courses, outdoor cooking, having a...
Beavers & Cubs take to the water!
13th June 2016
Beavers and Cubs from the 10th SIttingbourne Group took to the water on 7th June in rowing boats at Barton’s Point on the Isle of Sheppey. A great evening Scouting on the water! ...
Upchurch Cubs Benefit Medway Foodbank
9th May 2016
Tonight Cubs from Upchurch had a talk from Medway Foodbank to find out more about this invaluable local charity. Cubs also collected and donated food for the Foodbank. ...
Bexon Lane Rifle Range Updated
2nd May 2016
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders from the 4th Milton group have been hard at work painting and updating the Air Rifle Range at our Bexon Lane campsite. We are pleased to announce that the range has now doubled in size so more young people can benefit from this activity. Thank you to...